44 projects of students from I to XII grades from all over the country have been ranked from the second phase in the XVI edition of the National Student Competition "Ambassadors of Health". The competition is organized within the National Program for the Prevention of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases 2021-2025, at the initiative of the Ministry of Health, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Ministry of the Environment and waters, the State Agency for Child Protection, the Office of the World Health Organization for Bulgaria, the Bulgarian Youth Red Cross and the National Center for Public Health and Analysis.
The projects include implemented interactive activities to limit health risk factors, which include: sports events - competitions and tournaments; tourist and eco hikes; role playing games; debates and discussions; cooperation and teamwork; websites and e-books on healthy lifestyle and nutrition have been developed; cleaning of polluted areas in various settlements in the country, etc.
According to the regulation, there are 44 classified projects, and in the category I to IV class - 13 projects; from V to VII class - 11 projects and from VIII to XII class - 20 projects.
You can see the ranked projects here.