


Art. 1. (1) These General Terms and Conditions regulate the relations between the users of the electronic (internet) pages and services located on the domain, its subdomains and our Facebook page (called for short “Website”) and are valid for physical persons (called "User" for short) who have access to the Website or to our social media page administered by us.

(2) For legal entities (referred to as “Corporate Donor”) using the information offered on the Website, the General Terms and Conditions are of an informative nature, as the terms of the contracts concluded with commercial companies are agreed individually between the parties.

Art. 2. The users of the Website agree to comply with all provisions of these General Terms and Conditions.


Art. 3. (1) BRC is an autonomous organization, which assists the state in the humanitarian field, in the preparation for actions in martial law, military conflicts and disasters, for protection and strengthening of the health of the population and for its education in spirit of high morality, charity and charity. , as well as in the acceptance, storage and distribution of the assistance provided by the Republic of Bulgaria and foreign countries, organizations and citizens with humanitarian, including ecological and cultural-educational, purposes.

(2) The Bulgarian Red Cross is a legal entity registered under the Law on Persons and the Family, with registered office and address of management Sofia 1407, 76 James Boucher Blvd., VAT ID BG 000703415, BULSTAT 000703415, represented by Hristo Genadiev Grigorov - Chairman.


Art.4. (1) "User" - any natural person who uses the Website for any reason, including by viewing it and / or making a donation using a form on the Website.

(2) "Corporate Donor" means any legal entity or other legal entity that uses the Website for any reason, including by viewing and / or making a donation using an online donation form on the Website.

Art. 5. "Website" - means a website located at the following web address:


Art. 6. The General Terms and Conditions of the Bulgarian Red Cross are mandatory for all users of the Website.

(1) Any use of the Website means that you have carefully read the General Terms and Conditions and have agreed to abide by them unconditionally.

(2) The General Terms and Conditions may be changed unilaterally by the Bulgarian Red Cross at any time, by updating them. These changes take effect immediately and are binding on all Users of the Website.

(3) The BRC shall have the right to make changes of the conditions for use at any time at its own discretion, or if they are imposed by virtue of an enacted normative act.

(4) In each case of change of the General Terms and Conditions, the BRC shall inform its users about this by publishing the changes on the Website. In this sense, you, as Users, have the obligation to make inquiries about possible changes to the General Terms and Conditions of the Website each time you use it.

(5) If any of the provisions of these General Terms of Use of the Website prove to be invalid or inapplicable, regardless of the reason for this, this does not lead to the invalidity or inapplicability of the other provisions.

Art. 7. The Bulgarian Red Cross makes serious efforts to maintain the accuracy of the information presented on the Website.

Art. 8. Due to technical reasons, the information may contain errors for which the BRC apologizes in advance to its users and clients.

Art.9. The Website may contain links to other websites. The Website is not responsible for the privacy policy of websites that it does not administer, as well as for other information contained therein.


Art. 10. (1) The user declares his desire to make a donation through the Website by filling in an electronic form. After confirmation of the General Terms and Conditions, the donation will be considered made.

(2) When making a donation through the Website, the User has the right to choose its type, according to the options offered on the Website.

(3) Once you have made a selection you should click on the "Make a donation" button.

(4) Before completing the process you will be given the opportunity to choose the method of payment. You will also be required to provide data without which it is not possible to complete the donation. Such data are usually names and email address.

Art. 11. (1) The amounts of the donations shall be transferred to the donation accounts indicated on the website of the Bulgarian Red Cross, depending on the chosen method for donation:

(2) Payments shall be made in Bulgarian levs, or foreign currency


Art. 12. Online donations are made in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions for the use of online payment systems.

Art.13. Access to the Website for donation purposes is free and permitted to any User.

(1) The user has the right to publish opinions about the provided services, as well as to connect with the Website at the indicated addresses in the section "Contacts". Posts or messages that contain obscene language or inappropriate vocabulary will be removed from the Website or left unanswered.

(2) The communication with the BRC may be carried out through a direct connection, at the addresses indicated in Section XIV of these General Terms and Conditions, as well as at the addresses in the “Contacts” section.

Art.14. In case of online payments or payments by bank transfer, BRC shall not be liable for any costs in connection with fees, commissions or other additional payments made by the User or his bank in connection with the transaction itself, as well as in the cases of currency exchange applied by the bank that issued the card to the client in the cases where the currency is different from BGN.

Art.15. Payment by card to the Website is accepted as an interbank payment by banks in Bulgaria and according to their rules for working with cards and card payments in this type of transaction, some banks charge additional fees. The costs associated with such payments are solely at the expense of the User. Therefore, the Website recommends that its Users consult their bank for any additional fees that may be charged to them for online payments.

Art.16. The user provides his personal data voluntarily and allows the BRC to process and store them. The User undertakes and is responsible for ensuring that all data provided on the Website are true, complete and accurate as of the date of completion of the form.

Art.17. According to Art. 22., para. 1., item 1., para.1, item 1, b. "I" of the Personal Income Tax Act, the tax reliefs are expressed in the fact that the amount of the annual tax bases is reduced by donations made during the year to 5 percent, when the donation is in favor of the BRC. For this purpose, the Bulgarian Red Cross issues to the User, upon request, a donation certificate. The certificate may be requested at the addresses specified in Section XIV of these General Terms and Conditions.

Art.18. Pursuant to Article 31, paragraph 1, item 10 of the Corporate Income Tax Act, the tax reliefs for legal entities are expressed in the fact that for tax purposes are recognized accounting expenses for donations in the total amount of up to 10 percent of the positive accounting financial result (accounting profit) when the expenses for donations are made in favor of the Bulgarian Red Cross. For this purpose, the Bulgarian Red Cross issues to the User, upon request, a donation certificate. The certificate may be requested at the addresses specified in Section XIV of these General Terms and Conditions.


Art.19. The funds provided by the User are used to support the humanitarian activity of the Bulgarian Red Cross. They are spent in accordance with the Financial rules and regulations, standards and practices of the Bulgarian Red Cross.

Art. 20 The funds provided by the User for a specific cause or with an expressed will are spent according to the expressed will.

Art.21. The Bulgarian Red Cross undertakes to periodically publish on the Website information on the spending of funds.


Art.22. All content present on the Website, namely the logo, together with the figures and text contained therein, inscriptions and images, the content of the General Terms and Conditions, are the property of the BRC or third parties from whom the BRC has received consent to reproduce.

Art.23. The BRC retains all its intellectual property rights in any way related to the Website.

Art.24. (1) The Client may copy, transfer and / or use the content only for personal non-commercial purposes and only in cases where this does not contradict the provisions of this chapter of this document and an explicit written consent has been obtained from the BRC.

(2) The Website entitles owners of other websites and Users to publish links to it only when the link is clear and unambiguous.

(3) It is prohibited to copy texts from the Website, to place them in other Websites without the written consent of the Bulgarian Red Cross or without quoting the source, by inserting the following text: "Source: / indicate the domain of our Website /", the link must follow lead to the corresponding page.


Art.25. Each User of the Website has the opportunity to express his / her consent to receive advertising messages by filling in the donation form on the Website, sending a message / letter to the addresses indicated on the website or by marking a specially marked consent to receive advertising.

Art.26. The User may opt out of receiving advertising messages at any time, using the special link located in each advertising message, by changing the settings in his account or by contacting the Bulgarian Red Cross in any other way than specified in these General Terms and Conditions. and on the Website.

Art.27. Refusal to receive advertising messages is not linked to the possibility to make a donation.


Art.28. The writing of comments, questions and answers can be done by the User, in the comments section.

Art.29. Each User, at the time of posting a comment / question / answer in these sections, undertakes to comply with the following rules:

• use Bulgarian or English.

• use an appropriate statement that does not contain offensive expressions or that may affect the rights of a third party;

• to ensure that the information entered by him is realistic, correct, non-misleading and in accordance with applicable laws, including the rights of others - for example, copyright, intellectual property rights, license rights or other property rights, advertising rights or the right to confidentiality.

• use this service only to communicate or obtain additional details about a particular service from the Website, without making references to other companies that promote the sale and purchase of goods and / or services;

• not provide or request, in any way or form, personal data (contact details, delivery or residence address, telephone numbers, email addresses, first and / or last names, etc.) or other information that may led to the disclosure of this personal data;

• not to enter comments / questions / answers that contain materials of an advertising nature;

Art. 30. When a User reports that a comment / question or answer has inappropriate content, this content is carefully examined by the BRC so that the latter can determine whether it violates the terms of use of the Website. The published texts, photos or videos are removed from the Website only after verification by the Bulgarian Red Cross.

Art.31. In case the Bulgarian Red Cross finds a repeated violation of the current terms of use, it reserves the right to limit the possibility of the User to publish comments / questions and answers, without being obliged to justify it.


Art. 32. BRC shall not be liable for any damages suffered by the User in connection with the use of the Website, which occurred as a result of force majeure or those that are beyond the control of the BRC.


Art.33. (1) According to the General Regulation on Data Protection (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Bulgarian legislation, the BRC is a Personal Data Administrator).

(2) A Privacy Policy has been published on the website of the Bulgarian Red Cross -, which every User, whose personal data is processed by the Bulgarian Red Cross or to whom cookies are applied, should accept after getting acquainted.

Art.34. The personal data of the Users may be provided to the prosecutor's office, the police, the judicial institutions or other state bodies, on the basis of and within the framework of the legal provisions and as a result of an explicit request made by them.


Art.35. Disputes arising between the Bulgarian Red Cross and Users will be resolved by mutual agreement or, if this is not possible, the disputes will be resolved in accordance with Bulgarian law, unless the parties have agreed otherwise.


Article 36 The Bulgarian Red Cross Youth and the Petrebitel agree that the following are accepted for contact between the parties:

(1) For the Bulgarian Red Cross:

- by e-mail:

- by letter to the address: Sofia 1407, 76 James Boucher Blvd.

(2) For the Client:

- by e-mail indicated by him in the correspondence;

Art.37. Notices and communications exchanged between the parties by e-mail shall be deemed to be in writing and the parties shall attach the same effect to a written document.


Art.38. The bodies regulating the activity of the Bulgarian Red Cross are the Consumer Protection Commission / CPC / and the Personal Data Protection Commission (CPDP), with the following coordinates:

Consumer Protection Commission:

- Website:;

- contact phone 0700 111 22

- e-mail:

- address: Sofia, Slaveykov Square, А4A, fl. 3, 4 and 6

Commission for Personal Data Protection:

- Website:

- contact phone 02 / 91-53-518

- e-mail:

- address: Sofia, bul. „Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov ”№ 2

The General Terms and Conditions of the Bulgarian Red Cross Youth are published on November 10 2021.